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Other Services I provide are...

MOIST HEAT -- clay heat packs which provide a deep penetrating softening of the muscles, relieving aches and melting away stress.

INVERSION -- The inversion table slowly inclines you to a comfortable position upside down providing an anti-gravity effect, relieving pressure of the back by opening the spaces between the vertebrae, aligning the spine, relieving pressure off discs, freeing pinched nerves, opening the hip joints and improving posture. Organs are also opened to help improve organ function. Feels like you're floating in space.

INFANT TOUCH THERAPY TUTORIAL -- private demonstrations to show parents how to bring natural, nurturing health and developmental growth to your child. Nurturing touch is extremely beneficial to the ever developing baby. Touch therapy helps stimulate growth, facilitates in building neurological pathways to the undeveloped nervous system, calms baby (especially colicky baby), and provides a restful bonding experience. Its a beautiful bonding experience for dads, as well as moms.

Attention pregnant families: I highly recommend watching these videos whether you are attending an infant touch therapy session or not. They portray the importance of skin to skin contact and interaction with the infant in his/her different states of awareness.

MASSAGE DEMONSTRATIONS-- small groups (up to 10 people) are offered demonstrations to show you and your loved ones a basic massage. Great way to improve personal relationships, and unique fun.

HOME VISITS -- Enjoy a relaxing massage in the comforts of your home. No need to deal with the stresses of travel. Good idea for elderly, bridal parties, or house guests. Good idea for anyone.